Team King has arrived home from the Yukon! Damn, that’s a bumpy road.
The Percy deWolfe completed last Friday afternoon in bright sunshine and spring like temperatures. My team finished 2nd, just 11 short minutes behind first place Hans Gatt. A couple hours later Ellen King came rushing across the finish line in the sixth position with her exuberant team of huskies – and in her excitement she overlooked putting on her race bib that was a mandatory item for the finish line. Race officials had clearly indicated there would be a one hour time penalty for an ommission. Dave finished next, just ahead of a Yukoner ~ both of which were within one hour of Ellen. This bib oversight cost Ellen $750…(and her Dad!) Oh, what the hell, it’s only money. But like the MasterCard commercial says… the experience was “priceless”.
There was something for everybody at the Percy deWolfe race last week. They offered was a 100-mile run that went 50 miles down river. Teams overnighted at the 40 mile checkpoint and returned to Dawson on their second day of racing. A Skijor race was also held for those people wanting to do a little more of the work themselves. 🙂 Teams raced 15 miles the first day, and another 15 the second day. We even got to see an old friend of ours in the skijor team of Gaetan Pierrard ~ Licious! Licious part of our Apple litter (Braeburn, Gala, Fuji).
Here’s a few more pictures for you… (and Carrie is soooo sorry that she missed the finish of both Ellen and Dave! They weren’t required to check out of the 40 mile checkpoint, leading us to believe that they would be arriving later than they actually did.)

Darryl Sheepway from Whitehorse, YT heads out during the second day of the skijor race with his 4-dog team.
We all were quite impressed with Dawson and its residents! A happy, clean, neat and tidy community. However they didn’t get any of us to drink a “Sourtoe Cocktail“….(which includes a sour human toe floating around in the glass!!) I remember when I was young and did crazy things like this – but no more. Take a look at for my Percy deWolfe finish video.
Back at the Homestead the sun is beaming in through the windows, and Ellen, Dave and Jason are busy training next years Iditarod champions. Salem and Spaniel would like to announce that they are expecting puppies in May. This union has repeatedly produced spectacular sled dogs. We are so excited that they are still in love!
Ellen is headed back to Idyllwild, I am headed to Napa Valley for a short family visit, and Donna has a trial in Fairbanks this weekend.
That pesky volcano has finally quieted down, however while snowplowing the driveway I could see the unmistakeable signs of volcanic ash on the snow. I wouldn’t have noticed it had I not been plowing, however then I was able to see the different layers. It was unmistakeably ash.
Several dogs are available for sale to good homes. Bradford and Ida are headed to Nome to live with Bernard on the banks of the Fish River. A couple other dogs are taking a crash course in Norwegian. Anybody looking for a great pet with a history should contact us with an inquiry. Also – stay tuned for a dedicated blog looking into and sharing the lives of retired Husky Homestead dogs around the globe.
May the sun be in your face, and the wind at your back…
Fun Stuff. I really enjoy these blogs. Thank you for doing them.
Dear Jeff and Staff:
Well, another Iditarod season has come to an end. Another good year, I’d say, since all have returned home safe and sound. Perhaps, disappointed, but seasoned as usual. Highs and lows…as one knows, are a part of our seasons of life. Great race, Jeff, thanks for the opportunity to follow you by the gracious comments and insights of your wife. 2010 we’re back again!
I will be attending a presentation by Ed Stielstra on the 27th. about his run in the 2009 Iditarod. I can’t wait to get his take on the weather this year.
Enjoy your time off with the new batch of champs!!!
I am curious, when you refer to these retired racers as pets – what sort of lifestyle do you expect the new owners to give them? Surely they need a ‘more active than average’ retirement? Can they adjust to walkies on a leash? and TV dinners?