Jeff has been making some nice night runs!  When we signed off last night Jeff had departed Shaktoolik at 21:12 with his team of 13, and was headed to Koyuk.  While we were snoozing Jeff made that run in 7 hours 40 minutes, posting the 2nd fastest run time for that section of trail so far and arriving at 4:52.  Pete Kaiser, currently in the lead, posted the fastest.  Woot woot!  Currently the team is still resting in Koyuk.

Jeff and the team have

Weather reports in Koyuk show that the temperatures have dropped a bit, today’s high is 23°F in Koyuk, but the wind… the wind is almost always blowing on these coastal sections of trail. Also in the forecast is more snow.

In the mean time, Maren’s exploring Nome!

Nome Iditarod Headquarters

Maren under the Burled Arch of the Finish!












We’re watching Jeff’s tracker, and when they hit the trail we’ll be sure to let you know. 🙂