Greetings Race Fans!
Jeff and Dave had a great wrap-up to the Kusko race! Jeff finished in third place with an elapsed time of exactly 40 hours on the trail, while Dave finished up in 12th place with 47 hours and 25 minutes on the trail. Jeff and Dave both reported the trail was rough – and hard. Quite the opposite from last years “Kuskoswim”…. I haven’t even had a chance to ask the guys which they would prefer! Some really great news came at the musher banquet and awards ceremony… Dave was the recipient of the Humanitarian Award!!! The award was voted on by the race veterinarians and given to the musher that showed excellence in dog care. Way to go Dave!! We are all very proud of Dave’s accomplishment. Way to focus on the task, man! Dave will be heading to Mexico in April for a well-deserved rest after racing season!!
After the Kusko was over and the guys made their way back to Anchorage – Jeff snuck off to the lower 48 for a couple of days and came home with a plan…. go figure!
“Wyoming. Yup, let’s pack the truck and Jason and I will drive to Wyoming. I’ll run the Stage Stop race and it will be a blast!” Mind you, this was Monday – and the race start is tomorrow. That gave them about 3.5 days to pack and drive from here… to Wyoming!
So, over dinner on Monday the plan was altered even more… it seems that two spots had opened up in the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race (IPSSSDR) … so why not take two teams instead of just one?? Hmm… Dave?? Got a passport? Dave had been planning to run the re-scheduled Tustumena 200 this weekend – taking Jason’s spot after those toes of his kept him out of the running. But, ya know – it just sounded like it was meant to be! To Wyoming! And why not?
And so the plan was hatched. Withing hours after dinner, phone calls were placed; the paperwork was filled out; lists were made; the trailer was hooked up; gear was loaded; coolers were filled; throw in a late night pot of coffee and the guys were in their element! Success is mandatory!!
The latest word from the road-tripping crew came this morning. They were in Edmonton – taking about their third break from the truck and grabbing a bite to eat. They were pleased to announce that Satellite Radio worked in Canada, and they had spent a while listening to the “All Elvis – All the Time” channel, bounced around for a bit, and were happy as could be when they found the “Blue Collar Comedy” channel…! It sounds almost as if these guys are having waaaaay to much fun!
Back here at the Homestead, we’re keeping busy! David enjoyed his visit to California for a couple of weeks! He’s back home now and has dug in getting projects finished around here, and is making sure to spend some quality time with the puppies. Donna has got herself a new little guy “Tack” and he is just one fluffy ball of fuzz – very cute! He’s keeping her on her toes too. And me… well, I’m just patiently awaiting my vacation next week… to someplace sunny & warm!
In the meantime, check out the website for the IPSSSDR! There is a lot that’s going to be happening down there. And by all means – if you’re at all close to a stop – head on over and check out the fun!! Maybe you’ll even get to see the ‘Shake n’ Bake’ team! I’ll do my best to keep you updated with any news that we hear from the crew!
Until then, we’re going to enjoy our return to the way that winter ought to look…
Well done Dave! – you know, there is no coincidence in the fact that you have demonstrated such a level of care to your dogs… and your teams get fantastic race results. You have earned the dogs’ respect and in return they will run their hearts out for you. Go Team!
Congrats Dave!!!!
Guys, Have a blast in Wyoming!
Congrats all the way around on the Kuskokwim results. Big Congrats on the Humanitarian Award Dave. That speaks highly of you and the entire Husky Homestead Organization.